VADADEBBA - A Short Film by Sai Vardhan
My Review
A telugu comedy short film with a blend of few comical characters, jokes, background music with expressions. Vadadebba, a title well explained in the short film. The story is about a playboy hero who has a girlfriend but still keeps looking out for girls, in the process he gets slapped and every time he does he tells that he had a hot Vada just now. The story goes on, not to ruin the story I wouldn't talk much more about it. The lead character was played by "Rajesh" who played the role good, but needed more to be done as some places it was clear that visually he was not stressing on a few words but the dubbing was, which made it feel not in sync. The comedy role was played by "Suri K Chaplin" who could have done better than what he did, but I think the credit should go to him and the director could have utilized him more. The lead heroine had acted really well but in her entry for sometime it was really clear that she was feeling the shyness of the presence of camera. The second heroine who enters in the climax had acted well as well but unfortunately had only one expression from beginning to the end, she should work a little bit more on her acting with the help of the director. Now coming to the director "Sai Vardhan", who though is a good friend of mine but still got to be fair, had tried to make a comedy short film but felt should have worked a little bit more in the production part and also the dialogues. As it seems that in a few places the dialogue while shooting and while post production were different or no proper lip-syncing. Should have got the best out of the actors as I felt that it was meant to be satirical comedy but didn't end as expected. Cinematographer Vijay Kumar SVK, had done a great job kudos to him and all the support to him. Editing was well done by "Sai Vardhan".
Overall not a short film that you might feel bad to miss. But if you still want to see the short film for its comedy there is nothing to loose. Sai Vardhan tried to share a comedy film wont say he had done his best yet, will surely wait for his next one and I am sure he had seen all of this after everything was ready before release. Just because it was not given 100%, my rating would be a bit low.
"I would like to personally apologise to everyone who feel bad of my negative reviews, but the only intention behind it is to bring the best out of everyone as it is very much necessary at all levels." - Sashank K
Star Rating (1.5 out of 5):
by Sashank K